Case Study

Incisive Management Consulting

HUD - Public Housing Operating Fund



HUD's Public Housing Operating Fund program provides funding to approximately 3,200 local public housing agencies (PHAs) for the operation and maintenance of nearly 1.2 million public housing units. With annual appropriation of $4.5 billion, the Operating Fund is one of HUD’s largest grant programs. HUD needed contractor support to administer the grant program and provide quantitative analysis services.


Incisive is responsible for data collection, federal funds control, reconciliation, and reporting in support of the annual processing of operating subsidies. We are also responsible for generating Project Expense Levels (PELs) annually for over 7,200 public housing projects. In addition, we perform key financial and data analysis using historical data to identify trends and data anomalies. The team has extensive knowledge and experience working with different HUD’s databases, including: SAGIS, PIC, FASS, PASS, RASS, HUD-50058, etc.

Incisive is supporting the public housing initiative of conversion to asset management and participates in several committees that are involved with the financial reporting and data collection issues related to project-based accounting.


HUD provides funding to over 7,200 public housing projects on a timely basis and ensures compliance with federal funds control procedures. HUD is also able to provide timely reporting to internal and external stakeholders.


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